Offer : Round trip return half fare

Bengaluru(Banglore) Cab Booking

Looking for Outstation Cab in Bengaluru(Banglore) ?

Bengaluru(Banglore) Cab Booking at Affordable fare. We Aim Cab Provideing Qulaity Services for Cab Booking for OutStation OneWay and Round Trip in Bengaluru(Banglore) Maharashtra and Other Cities from Bengaluru(Banglore). Book your next cab with Aimcab and get 10% flat discount on total fare in Bengaluru(Banglore)

Bengaluru(Banglore) Available Cabs

swift Bengaluru(Banglore)


4+1 seater




Bengaluru(Banglore) Sedan

ertiga Bengaluru(Banglore)


4+1 seater

Suv Fare


Suv Details

Bengaluru(Banglore) SUV

innova Bengaluru(Banglore)


4+1 seater

SUV+ Fare


SUV+ Details

Bengaluru(Banglore) SUV+

wagonr Bengaluru(Banglore)


4+1 seater




Bengaluru(Banglore) HatchBack

Bengaluru(Banglore) Cab Booking Service

About Aim Cab Pvt Ltd

Car rental service in Bengaluru(Banglore) Aimcab is a well-established cab and car rental service provider company in India, specialized in rendering a comprehensive long and short term car rental solutions. The attributes of our services assure safety, comfort and reliability to every customer. We grant with the professional team of chauffeurs, who believe in empowering the safe, reliable and easily accessible cab services in India. Our journey begins in 2001 encouraged a system of transparency in pricing and deals with an idea to make it reality. From then our cab services have expanded more and more with a wide range of valuable customers.

We are from Aimcab always there to ensure a hassle free and joyful rides. Perhaps, our practices have enabled our establishment as one of the most preferred radio taxi service in various parts of the country; including, Maharashtra , Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Jaipur, Shimla, Dehradun, Manali, Agra, Haridwar, Chandigarh and Amritsar. We firmly believe in growth and outstanding services for our customers. Also, we ensure the utmost punctuality and responsibilities in our cab services.Whether you need to rush for a flight, or to reach for a meeting on time; you just need to book a taxi online with Aimcab and count on us in providing a safe and comfortable ride.